14,389 research outputs found

    Primitive divisors on twists of the Fermat cubic

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    We show that for an elliptic divisibility sequence on a twist of the Fermat cubic, u3+v3=m, with m cube-free, all the terms beyond the first have a primive divisor

    Cross-spectral modelling of the black hole X-ray binary XTEJ1550-564: challenges to the propagating fluctuations paradigm

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    Timing properties of black hole X-ray binaries in outburst can be modeled with mass accretion rate fluctuations propagating towards the black hole. Such models predict time lags between energy bands due to propagation delays. First application of a propagating fluctuations model to black hole power spectra showed good agreement with the data. Indeed, hard lags observed from these systems appear to be in agreement with this generic prediction. Our PROPFLUC code allows to simultaneously predict power spectra, time lags, and coherence of the variability as a function of energy. This was successfully applied to Swift data on the black hole MAXIJ1659-152, fitting jointly the power spectra in two energy bands and the cross-spectrum between these two bands. In the current work, we attempt to to model two high signal to noise Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) observations of the black hole XTE J1550-564. We find that neither observation can be adequately explained by the model even when considering, additionally to previous PROPFLUC versions, different propagation speeds of the fluctuations. After extensive exploration of model extensions, we tentatively conclude that the quantitative and qualitative discrepancy between model predictions and data is generic to the propagating fluctuations paradigm. This result encourages further investigation of the fundamental hypotheses of the propagating fluctuations model. We discuss some of these hypotheses with an eye to future works.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Evolution of the hot flow of MAXI J1543-564

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    We present a spectral and timing analysis of the black hole candidate MAXI J1543-564 during its 2011 outburst. As shown in previous work, the source follows the standard evolution of a black hole outburst. During the rising phase of the outburst we detect an abrupt change in timing behavior associated with the occurrence of a type-B quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO). This QPO and the simultaneously detected radio emission mark the transition between hard and soft intermediate state. We fit power spectra from the rising phase of the outburst using the recently proposed model propfluc. This assumes a truncated disc / hot inner flow geometry, with mass accretion rate fluctuations propagating through a precessing inner flow. We link the propfluc physical parameters to the phenomenological multi-Lorentzian fit parameters. The physical parameter dominating the QPO frequency is the truncation radius, while broad band noise characteristics are also influenced by the radial surface density and emissivity profiles of the flow. In the outburst rise we found that the truncation radius decreases from ro24r_o \sim 24 to 10Rg10 R_g, and the surface density increases faster than the mass accretion rate, as previously reported for XTE J1550-564. Two soft intermediate state observations could not be fitted with propfluc, and we suggest that they are coincident with the ejection of material from the inner regions of the flow in a jet or accretion of these regions into the BH horizon, explaining the drop in QPO frequency and suppression of broad band variability preferentially at high energy bands coincident with a radio flare.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, 2 table

    The applicability and effectiveness of cluster analysis

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    An insight into the characteristics which determine the performance of a clustering algorithm is presented. In order for the techniques which are examined to accurately cluster data, two conditions must be simultaneously satisfied. First the data must have a particular structure, and second the parameters chosen for the clustering algorithm must be correct. By examining the structure of the data from the Cl flight line, it is clear that no single set of parameters can be used to accurately cluster all the different crops. The effectiveness of either a noniterative or iterative clustering algorithm to accurately cluster data representative of the Cl flight line is questionable. Thus extensive a prior knowledge is required in order to use cluster analysis in its present form for applications like assisting in the definition of field boundaries and evaluating the homogeneity of a field. New or modified techniques are necessary for clustering to be a reliable tool

    Hidden in Plain Sight: Homeless Students In America's Public Schools

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    Student homelessness is on the rise, with more than 1.3 million homeless students identified during the 2013-14 school year. This is a 7 percent increase from the previous year and more than double the number of homeless students in 2006-07. As high as these numbers seem, they are almost certainly undercounts.Despite increasing numbers, these students - as well as the school liaisons and state coordinators who support them - report that student homelessness remains an invisible and extremely disruptive problem.Students experiencing homelessness struggle to stay in school, to perform well, and to form meaningful connections with peers and adults. Ultimately, they are much more likely to fall off track and eventually drop out of school more often than their non-homeless peers.This study:provides an overview of existing research on homeless students,sheds light on the challenges homeless students face and the supports they say they need to succeed,reports on the challenges adults - local liaisons and state coordinators - face in trying to help homeless students, andrecommends changes in policy and practice at the school, community, state and national level to help homeless students get on a path to adult success.This is a critical and timely topic. The recent reauthorization of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) provides many new and stronger provisions for homeless students (effective Oct. 1, 2016); requires states, district and schools for the first time to report graduation rates for homeless students (effective beginning with the 2016-17 school year); and affirms the urgency and importance of dealing with homelessness so that all children can succeed

    Definition of smolder experiments for Spacelab

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    The feasibility of conducting experiments in space on smoldering combustion was studied to conceptually design specific smoldering experiments to be conducted in the Shuttle/Spacelab System. Design information for identified experiment critical components is provided. The analytical and experimental basis for conducting research on smoldering phenomena in space was established. Physical descriptions of the various competing processes pertaining to smoldering combustion were identified. The need for space research was defined based on limitations of existing knowledge and limitations of ground-based reduced-gravity experimental facilities

    Optically thick envelopes around ULXs powered by accreating neutron stars

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    Magnetized neutron stars power at least some ultra-luminous X-ray sources. The accretion flow in these cases is interrupted at the magnetospheric radius and then reaches the surface of a neutron star following magnetic field lines. Accreting matter moving along magnetic field lines forms the accretion envelope around the central object. We show that, in case of high mass accretion rates 1019gs1\gtrsim 10^{19}\,{\rm g\,s^{-1}} the envelope becomes closed and optically thick, which influences the dynamics of the accretion flow and the observational manifestation of the neutron star hidden behind the envelope. Particularly, the optically thick accretion envelope results in a multi-color black-body spectrum originating from the magnetospheric surface. The spectrum and photon energy flux vary with the viewing angle, which gives rise to pulsations characterized by high pulsed fraction and typically smooth pulse profiles. The reprocessing of radiation due to interaction with the envelope leads to the disappearance of cyclotron scattering features from the spectrum. We speculate that the super-orbital variability of ultra-luminous X-ray sources powered by accreting neutron stars can be attributed to precession of the neutron star due to interaction of magnetic dipole with the accretion disc.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Image Registration to Map Endoscopic Video to Computed Tomography for Head and Neck Radiotherapy Patients

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    The purpose of this work was to explore the feasibility of registering endoscopic video to radiotherapy treatment plans for patients with head and neck cancer without physical tracking of the endoscope during the examination. Endoscopy-CT registration would provide a clinical tool that could be used to enhance the treatment planning process and would allow for new methods to study the incidence of radiation-related toxicity. Endoscopic video frames were registered to CT by optimizing virtual endoscope placement to maximize the similarity between the frame and the virtual image. Virtual endoscopic images were rendered using a polygonal mesh created by segmenting the airways of the head and neck with a density threshold. The optical properties of the virtual endoscope were matched to a calibrated model of the real endoscope. A novel registration algorithm was developed that takes advantage of physical constraints on the endoscope to effectively search the airways of the head and neck for the desired virtual endoscope coordinates. This algorithm was tested on rigid phantoms with embedded point markers and protruding bolus material. In these tests, the median registration accuracy was 3.0 mm for point measurements and 3.5 mm for surface measurements. The algorithm was also tested on four endoscopic examinations of three patients, in which it achieved a median registration accuracy of 9.9 mm. The uncertainties caused by the non-rigid anatomy of the head and neck and differences in patient positioning between endoscopic examinations and CT scans were examined by taking repeated measurements after placing the virtual endoscope in surface meshes created from different CT scans. Non-rigid anatomy introduced errors on the order of 1-3 mm. Patient positioning had a larger impact, introducing errors on the order of 3.5-4.5 mm. Endoscopy-CT registration in the head and neck is possible, but large registration errors were found in patients. The uncertainty analyses suggest a lower limit of 3-5 mm. Further development is required to achieve an accuracy suitable for clinical use

    Differential correction and preliminary orbit determination for lunar satellite orbits

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    Differential correction and preliminary orbit calculation for lunar satellite orbit